Prism Shop
September 2014

Much time has passed since my last update, but the good news is that Book 4, The Wood at World's Edge has now been completed and is ready for purchase!

For the first time in the Prism series, all four members of the Quest travel outside the land of Prism to encounter a whole new set of challenges and problems in their search for the green crystal quadrant. Keep an eye out for such characters as Blossom - the mother of all flowers, the beautiful Stargazer Lily, Narcissus and someone extra special indeed! I won't tell you now who this character is, but suffice to say, it's someone we've been waiting for since Book 1!

The Wood at World's Edge will shortly be for sale on Lulu.com and available on Amazon - in both hard copy and Kindle versions, and Nook. Check the Prism shop for the links to each book. Over the next few months, we here at Prism will be spending some time updating all our links, so make sure you stop by when it comes time for Christmas shopping!

October 2012

Phantism (book 3 in the Prism series) has now been finished and is undergoing its illustration process!

Laura Diehl is, once again, working her magic for the cover, and I hope to have the book completed and ready for purchase in time for Christmas!

Phantism will be available shortly on lulu, Amazon and all good book sellers.

Looking forward to your feedback and feel free to drop me a line; I always love hearing from Prism's readers and will respond to all emails as I am able. Should you wish to have an autographed copy, pls send an email to PrismBooks@gmail.com letting me know how many copies you would like, a mailing address and to whom the dedication should be written, and I will contact you with payment details.

Phantism is a wonderful place, unlike any other part of Prism, and absolutely integral to the Prism Series. I know you'll enjoy your journey there and the many wonderful characters you'll meet. Enjoy!

April 2011

Book 2 in the Prism series - The Deeper Darkness - is now finished and available! Follow the links here or on the Prism Shop page to purchase either your Kindle e-version on Amazon or your hardcopy from Lulu.com.

It's been a long time coming, but I am particularly fond of this colorful, beautiful book and the characters that exist within its pages. Use the free download sample (pdf) to get the first chapter for a peek inside this fresh and exciting new world. The gorgeous cover art has once again been done by the wonderful and talented Laura Diehl who has used her considerable talents to bring this book to life. I think you'll love this exciting, funny, challenging book and its wild ride to the bottom of the ocean!

And I want YOUR feedback! All comments can be sent directly to the author at kestapylton@gmail.com - and it will be my pleasure to respond to you.

Welcome to The Deeper Darkness!

February 2010

Hallo from Australia!

At the end of January I traveled home to Australia to lock myself away to finish Book 2 of the Prism series - The Deeper Darkness. What a shock it was to leave the New York winter and walk straight into the Australian summer! It's been wonderful to catch up with family and friends, however, and I'm now locked away in the Blue Mountains, lost in the land of Prism. My friends, Wendy and Deborah, have been showering me with wonderful hospitality as per usual, and Deborah sneaks into my room every morning with a cup of coffee and a bowl of porridge for me for breakfast as I type.

I'm hoping this trip will pay off and that I'll have something to share with you soon! Wonderful things are happening in the land of Prism, and if you've read Book 1, The Terror of Prism Fading, it will come as no surprise to you that Rabbit, Rupert, Aden and Jasper spend some time underwater in Book 2. This brings adventures, both good and bad, which I'm writing as quick as I can type. Come back to the News section of this website regularly to check in on the progress I'm making!

December 2009

The book review competition is now closed!

Congratulations to Jason Lin, Nicholas Pavic and Jake Evans for their excellent reviews. Jason, Nicholas and Jake can expect to see their names in Book 2, The Deeper Darkness, when it comes out.

Check back regularly for news of further competitions and prizes!

August 2009

While home in Australia, I was interviewed by the lovely Ariane Minc for 2SER FM's book show, Final Draft. Final Draft is a long running, prize winning radio show with an illustrious list of past guests. Ariane and I chatted about self-publishing in general and Prism in particular. You can listen to the interview below.

July 2009

This month we launched the new Prism website. With more wonderful artwork from the very talented Laura Diehl, we've been able to give the Prism website a whole new look more in keeping with its colorful theme.

Send us some feedback on the site at PrismBooks@gmail.com. We'd love to hear from you!

5th November, 2008

The Terror of Prism Fading is now for sale in hardcopy! It can be ordered directly online at Prism's page on Lulu.

Pick up a copy and then enter our COMPETITION! You could win the opportunity to have your very own character in the next book of the Prism Series, The Deeper Darkness! Go to the Competition page under 'News, Reviews and Competitions' for your chance to see your character in print!

20th August, 2008

Laura Diehl has completed the cover art and some small 'viffle graphics' to be used on the title page of the book and on this website. Go to the 'Author' page to see one of Prism's most beloved characters, and check out a little inside information about him in the 'Characters' list.

And don't forget to check the 'Prism Shop' at the end of August when I hope to have 'The Terror of Prism Fading' up for sale through Lulu!

23rd July, 2008

And here's the latest update on the cover! Although still a work in progress at this point, Laura Diehl forwarded me this beautiful image only a few days ago, and for the first time the friends of Prism can get a glimpse of the land and of the four children at the heart of the quest to find the Crystal. Below is where we started.

click for a larger image
(Click for a larger image)

Check back soon for the final version of the cover, after which The Terror of Prism Fading will be for sale in hard copy format!

click for a larger image
(Click for a larger image)

7th July, 2008

Our first graphics! Thank you to James from the Civilisations Fanatics Centre for sharing his talent.

1st July, 2008

Quite a lot is upcoming for both The Terror of Prism Fading and for this site!

I'm currently working with Laura Diehl, a wonderful illustrator, to develop some cover art. When I say 'working with', I mean I'm coming up with outlandish ideas, and she is brilliantly transforming them into something real on paper! In the months ahead, I hope you'll also see some of the creatures and characters of Prism find their way onto these pages. To see more of Laura's work, here's a link to her home on the web:

Laura Diehl Illustration

The downloadable version of The Terror of Prism Fading should be ready to purchase on this site by the end of July. For those who like to read in this format, we're only a matter of weeks away from Prism being available for you.

But for those of you who want the book in paperback format, as soon as the artwork is done and the layout of the cover completed, The Terror of Prism Fading will be available through this site. Anticipate around the end of August!

Check back regularly for updates and changes - there's a lot happening in the world of Prism!