Prism Shop

Before time began, there existed somewhere in the cosmos a group of beings made of pure energy and light, powerful beyond imagining. Their beauty surpassed what mankind can see and understand for they were pure, flawless. Pure energy, pure light, and they were known as the Alellii. And by nature the Alellii were creative and good, and they worked hard to reproduce themselves throughout the cosmos, and to maintain the universe as beautiful and full of light. There was nowhere in the cosmos where they could not go, and no place that they could not touch with beauty and color. These beings had four main peoples, firstly the Soeillestia, who existed as yellow. These beings generated the color yellow throughout the universe, and along with it all joy and happiness. This was the nature and the purpose of the Soeillestia, and they were a joyous, laughing people, and the touch of their hand in any world was treasured and sought. They made suns in all the solar systems and controlled the hot seasons, keeping them in balance, and in all the worlds where plants grew they placed daffodils, and primroses, wattle, and beautiful gems like topaz and the precious metal, gold. And all things yellow flowed out of their being, and with it joy and laughter. And the Soeillestia were much loved. And wherever people saw yellow, they smiled, and knew that the Soeillestia were at work.

The next people were the Azurim, and they were pure blue. They were treasured, even worshipped some might say, to the same extent the Soeillestia were, because from the Azurim came water - lakes, oceans and rivers - and flowers like plumbago and periwinkle and iris - and precious gems like sapphires and stones like turquoise. And the Azurim controlled the cold, rainy seasons, and the snows, keeping them in balance, and in their right place in nature. And the heart of the Azurim was love. And wherever the Azurim went, there was kindness and compassion and the ending of wars and hatred. And so friendship and allegiances were maintained across the universe, and husbands and wives loved each other, and families were close and harmonious because of the work of the Azurim. And the Azurim worked hard to spread blue throughout the universe and to maintain love for all people.

The third people of the Alellii were the Verde, and their nature was wisdom and peace, and they were the color green. Wherever the Verde went they brought lushness, order, growth, and all trees and plants sprang from their being and all of creation existed in peace and prosperity. And the seasons of new growth belonged to the Verde. Rulers governed their lands wisely because of their touch, and judges made right decisions, and conflicts ended whenever worlds were touched by their hand.

And finally the Sangari, who were the color red, and whose nature was courage and passion. They brought the turning of the colors of nature when the weather begins to cool after the hot season, and they worked with the Soeillestia, the Azurim and the Verde to maintain the seasons and protect nature. And they brought the rose, and the poppy, and the gemstone, ruby. But most importantly of all, from them sprang the blood that runs through the hearts of men, giving them courage, and strength, and a passion for all that is good, and the willingness to stand against all that is evil. And red is the color of their work and their being.

And so the Alellii worked in harmony, forming all the colors of the world and maintaining all nature. And from their being flowed joy and love, peace and wisdom, passion and courage. And all that was good and colorful in the universe sprang from the Alellii and was protected by their ongoing work.

But one day one of the Alellii returned from his passage across the cosmos with disturbing news. On the edge of the universe he had seen a great spreading shape, and its nature was Nothingness. And Nothingness was spreading across the universe, consuming all that it touched - color and creation and all the work of the Alellii. And the Alellii fought the Nothingness, and worked harder and harder to protect the cosmos. But slowly all creation began to fade. And the peoples of all the worlds were less happy, and wars and conflicts began to break out. And the seasons began to change, and run together, and nature was no longer as healthy as it had been before. And still the Alellii fought to preserve what they had created.

But there came a time when the Alellii knew they could no longer hold back the Nothingness, and they held a meeting of the great High Council. And after hearing all the suggestions and concerns of the Council, Illusta of the Verde spoke and said:

"Members of the High Council and people of the Alellii, although we are powerful and strong of heart and pure in spirit, it is clear to me that we cannot fight the Nothingness by the means of evil. We who are pure and gentle by nature cannot become what we abhor and pick up weapons to fight. And how do we fight that which is not and has no being? Yet surely we believe that our hearts are equal to our task in this universe, which is to protect it and to share our goodness with it and to bring all creation into being through the color of ourselves. We are indeed able to stand against this foe, but we need a way that does not make us less than we are or costs us our nature and our nobility. Therefore, this is my plan. From the heart of the Alellii I will make a new world. And into this world we will pour the power and strength and essence of our beings. And I will place this new world in the centre of the universe. And this new world will strengthen all that we have already created, for its very existence will stand as proof against Nothingness. And it will be the jewel in the crown of our creation, and we will stand against this Nothingness through the purity of our creation in its most perfect form. For how shall Nothingness prevail in the face of color, and creation, and goodness of heart? And should the rest of the cosmos fall, so long as this one world stands, so there is hope for the future and our work will be preserved."

And all the people agreed, and so Illusta set about creating the most colorful of all the worlds. And in that world he created a people so joyous, so full of love and wisdom, and so passionate about their land, that they, more clearly than any other creation, reflected their creator Illusta, and his people the Alellii. But Illusta did not wish to leave his creation without defenses. So he decided to make for them a gift in which was concentrated all the power of the Alellii; a crystal, so powerful that it could protect his new world against any foe. So he took part of the sun from his new world, and gave it to the Soeillestia, who blessed it, and instilled it with all the power and knowledge and joy and laughter of their people, and condensed it all together into a beautiful yellow crystal. And from the waters of his new land he took salt water and fresh water, and gave it to the Azurim, who blessed it and poured all of their power and love into it, and the blueness of their nature, and all this they fused into a perfect blue crystal. And to the Verde he gave leaves from the four giant forests of his new world, and into those the Verde poured the greenness of their spirits, and their wisdom and peace loving hearts, and returned to Illusta a flawless green crystal. And to the Sangari Illusta gave one drop of blood from the palm of the king of the new world. And the Sangari blessed the king and all of his line to come, and infused into his one drop of blood all of their passion and courage, the redness of their beings, and gave back to Illusta a blood red crystal.

And Illusta took the four crystals, and fitted them together, and all the Alellii blessed them, and the new world to which they were to go. And Illusta gave the Crystal to his new creation to guard, and to bless them and to keep them strong. And while ever the Crystal exists in the land, the land will know all of the colors, and all the health of nature, and all the nature of the Alellii. And the land will be safe, and creation will be preserved. And the name of that land is Prism.