Prism Shop
Diary Entry 17

I wish I knew what date it was! It's nowhere near as warm as it was when we left home. When we left, it was warm enough to go swimming, but here- well - that whole attempt to get back home thing was freezing! I wish we hadn't done it - I mean, it's not as if I want to leave, and I just ended up looking more stupid than ever - hardly seems possible.

Aden hates me. And I hate her back! No, no, well, ok, maybe I don't - but I want to! She is so mean! She's such a snob, and sooooo stuck up. She's beautiful though, I have to admit that. I wish my hair was like hers - long and black and thick. Rupert tells me that mine is a better color here, but it insists on hanging straight to my shoulders, no wave, no curl, no 'thick gorgeous shine' like hers! She could be doing shampoo commercials in our world!

I don't know what we'll be doing tomorrow. Ever since the centaur's prophecy all I've done is work with my slingshot, continually meet with the High Council, and have endless cooking lessons! They'd better not be expecting much from me; I love it here, but I'm terrified someone's going to realize how stupid I am! I think Rupert knows I'm scared - he saw how useless I used to be at school - and not just at lessons! I was hopeless at everything! But even he doesn't know how scared I am. What if I get this wrong? What if someone expects me to do something?? I wish my parents and Simon were still alive. I wish it all the time and more than ever since I met Aden's parents. I would give anything - ANYTHING - to have a family again.

Ok, back again - just had to feed Viff. He seems to like me - and I love him! He's so funny - when I'm feeling horrible I tickle his tummy just to hear him laugh. It always helps.

Note To Self - wash woolen pants TOMORROW!!!

I think King Rohannan and Queen Ardentia just walked past my door together - I could hear their voices and their rooms are down past mine. It feels a bit spooky living on the same floor as a king and queen! I want them to like me. I want all of them to like me.

Dinner time - gotta run. Someone as skinny as me cant afford to miss any meals! xx