Prism Shop
Coronus - To Do List
  1. Avoid Narcissus at all costs.
  2. Temporarily relocate the mosses to Pinebark to give Thwop a break. Check in on his allergies next month.
  3. Lift bulbs. Ignore their complaints. Redirect them to a sunnier location regardless of their arguments. Induce relocation by finding sympathetic neighbors who also resent having been relocated.
  4. Assist Willow with out of control fronds. Find a way to pin them off her face without tugging. Assure her she still looks beautiful. Try to discourage weeping.
  5. Avoid Narcissus. Organize training course for those larger aging trees loyal to the Alellii on how to stay out of sight and inconspicuous.
  6. Collect all shed bark and leaves from forest floor to conceal our position.
  7. Remind myself there are no such things as weeds - just annoying, small plants that irritate everyone and really should stop talking. (NB all paspalum) Be kind to paspalum regardless.
  8. Must organize tutorial groups for some of our younger members - their knowledge of their own history and of the Alellii is appalling. Must find a way to make them sit still through said tutorials.
  9. Exercise classes for older members. We're not getting any younger and we need to stay in the best shape possible! Trunk aerobics and tree-limb yoga definitely.
  10. Ivy. Crowd control.
  11. Further discussion with Stargazer Lily re the purpose of the Wood. She seems to be wavering and very close to joining our cause. Encourage, encourage, encourage! Think of ways to make her feel as safe and confident as possible so she can make the switch from Narcissus' side to ours.
  12. Avoid Narcissus.
  13. Convert one oak - any oak - to our cause. We need the gravitas.
  14. Arrange a meet-and-greet for the family of bees who have recently shown signs of joining our part of the wood. Try to convince all trees, plants, flowers and shrubs that bees are a good thing. Keep the honey away from the flower girls - daisies in particular; it makes them sillier than usual. Keep pollen off Thwop; his allergies would be unbearable.
  15. Do a headcount from smallest to largest. Hope for the best. Never give up. Stay positive.
  16. Avoid Narcissus.