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Anial - this was delivered for you today. In future, please have your FAN MAIL delivered to your home. Seriously, this is getting out of hand.

Dear Aniel

My name is Shelley, and I live with my mother and father in the courtiers quarters of the palace. My father said he'd pass this letter onto the guard at the scouts' quarters and that maybe he'd pass it on to you. I reeeeeally hope he does!!!

I just wanted to tell you that I think you're dreamyyyyy!!! I'm 12 almost 13 and have been following watching hearing about your adventures for years now. You're amaaaaaazingggg!!! I think you're,like, the bravest, coolest, best looking scout in all of Undersea and I am so impresed by your bravry and also by how nice you are to everyone - like that time those girls were missing from the school and you got sent to find them and you did find them!!! I wish I'd get lost from school so you could find meeeee!!!!!!!!! But my mother says if I got lost my father would come and find meeeee, so no such luck. ;(((((

When I grow up, I want to date a scout just like you!!! But if your looking for,like, a girlfriend, plzzzz let me know and I will be your girlfriend!!! Hahahahaha! j/k (not really but kinda)

I can see you enjoy working out and so do i. I go to the Swim-Gym every weekend and if you ever see a cool looking girl with really long orange hair and wearing a green bikini and with a really hot body following you around, you'll know it's meeeeee!!! Hahahahaha!

Anyway, I don't love you or anything (sozzz!!!), but I just think you're really cool and wanted to let you know and say thank you for being such a good scout and helping to keep all the kids like me safe in Undersea and for setting such a good example. Dad says if my brother, Mollusc, turns out half as good as you, he'd be reeeeeeally relieved!!! (not a j/k) So anyway, I know Mom and Dad would be cool with it if ever you wanted to go ona date. Or anything.

Write back!!!! I reeeeeeally want you too!!!!!!!!!!

Your favorite fan,

Shelley. x<3x<3x<3 x<3 x<3x<3x<3 times infinity!!!!!

PS I love your hair!!!!!!!!!

X <3 x <3 x <3